Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Halloween pics, as promised

So in lieu of creating Yoshi, I promised I was working on another epic costume for my boyfriend. I'm really glad I decided to scrap Yoshi for next year because my boyfriend deserved all the attention he got. We both worked really hard on his costume and it paid off. Most people didn't get what he was supposed to be but were really impressed regardless. Okay, and without futher ado I give you...

The King of the Cosmos!

My contributions were the spats and the jacket. He made the head piece. We followed a tutorial we found online for the most part, but added our own personal touches. I'm really proud of our accomplishment.

Now, my less exciting costume... A harajuku girl. If you don't know what that is, just google it. It's basically a Japanese counter-culture... much like what goth is in America, but they dress like this:

I made the skirt and put the pom poms on the jacket. I bought those shoes for FIVE DOLLARS. I love them, but probably won't wear them again. But anyway, thanks for your support! I think my next projects are going to be Christmas presents! Here we goooooooooo!